This is a press release from the Humboldt Area Foundation:
On display now through May 2020, Humboldt Area Foundation is hosting Ink and Skin and Bone, a solo art exhibit of acrylic portraits by Native artist Tiffany Adams.
Known for her shell work, painting, and jewelry making, Tiffany Adams (Chemehuevi/Konkow/Nisenan) is an artist, activist, and educator who incorporates her California Indian cultural practices into the fabric of her work. Tiffany’s work is deeply rooted in her cultural identity as a California Indian, from her sculptures, paintings, jewelry, and basket making to her equity activism in public education, Tiffany’s community-based approach to art and art making is reflective of the ways in which identity formation is vital to artistic expression.
According to Adams, Ink and Skin and Bone is “a (re)writing and (re)righting of past anthropological and stereotypical representations of California Indigenous womxn’s tattoo culture,” a practice that banned during colonization. “It is imagery about strength, resilience and the literary power of tattoo revival, a language that is universal within many indigenous communities. This feminist artwork is made to reclaim space in our homelands and on our bodies.”
Humboldt Area Foundation invites the public to visit the Community Center, located at 363 Indianola Road in Bayside, to enjoy Tiffany Adams works. Ink and Skin and Bone will be on display for public viewing during normal business hours through May 2020. For more information contact Jill Moore: or (707) 442-2993.